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🔖 Build Attestation

Build Attestation is a unique attestation technique designed to verify builders' and projects' building records, and transfer trillion-scale Build Data to tangible and understandable attestations.

These attestations help builders and projects to establish their brands, get recognized and supported. This further paves the way for communities to discover and engage with builders and projects in Build Key Launch.

The attestations are built on Graph Learning, LLM, and ZK techniques, and support multiple building aspects, e.g., "Master Frontend Skill", "Solid DeFi Contributions on BNB Chain".

1. Builder/Project Profile

Builder/Project profile serves as a unique passport for builders and projects to accumulate, verify, and showcase their building journey.

Builders and projects can link related accounts and addresses to their profiles, allowing for automatic tracking and attestation of their progress. Additionally, builders and projects can manually update their profiles with new ideas, goals, milestones, etc.

2. Build Data

A builder/project may have various building activities in different platforms and spaces, such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, Twitter, or BNB, ETH chains, etc.

These building activities can include shipping contributions, raising ideas, working on projects, writing codes, updating docs to build applications, protocols, and ecosystems, etc.

The data records (e.g., GitHub commits, contract creation transactions) associated with those work activities are "Build Data". Build Attestations are established based on such Build Data.

3. Roadmap

Aspecta is migrating Build Attestations to intersubjective productivity attestations, incorporating more parties and participants in the attestation process.

This initiative aims to enhance the diversity and decentralization of attestations. Stay tuned for more updates.